Thursday, February 25, 2010

Handling external factors as an high-tech entrepreneur

This is a rambling personal entry, and may not be hugely interesting to a lot of you…

Building a company is a lot of hard work.  There’s lots of great input out there from experienced entrepreneurs like Eric Reis, Dave McClure, Sean Ellis… basically all the folks on my Startup Helpers google reader list.  And there’s a lot of great insight to be gained on the Venture process nowadays, from the blogging VCs - the must read list of VC bloggers is here.  But it’s still about working hard, working smart and being resilient.

I don’t write this entry as a way of saying look at me haven’t I had it tough - I want to make the point that EVERY startup entrepreneur has their challenges outside of the job.  Part of what makes you a successful entrepreneur is dealing with them.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Build A Successful Sales Channel

Mark Suster posted about channel sales today.  Nice post, as always - I think of all the VC blogs I read his provokes the most desire to respond, so he clearly picks topics well.  If you don’t read him you should.  Or just subscribe to my VC blogs list on Google Reader.

I’m English originally, so sharing success stories can seem a bit like unseemly bragging, but it’s relevant.  Channel building is hard.  I think the main problem is the belief that the sales people in the channel give a crap - not only about your product, but about what their biz dev folks tell them.