Friday, April 23, 2010

Live blogging Startup Lessons Learned Conference #sllconf

Good breakfast done. Eric Reis up on stage….

…great opening - Eric Reis dismantling all of the myths and misconceptions around lean startup
  • lean startup is about learning
  • lean startup doesn’t mean small
  • lean startup doesn’t mean cheap
  • lean startup doesn’t mean bootstrapped
  • lean startup does mean disruptive

Monday, April 19, 2010

All serious entrepreneurs should apply for Open Angel Forum

It’s been a while with our heads down at Team AppWhirl, with no time for blogging as we got the product out the door.  But there couldn’t be a better time to get back to blogging the startup than when reflecting on Friday night’s Open Angel Forum Silicon Valley.

As a regular listener to This Week In Startups, and as supporters of Jason Calacanis’ drive against pay-to-pitch (some would say exploitative) investment forums we have followed the Open Angel Forum.  We applied to present to the OAF Silicon Valley.  After being shortlisted we interviewed with Tyler and were accepted in.  It was a very efficient process and respectful of Founders’ time.  We were thrilled.