Thursday, December 03, 2009

Interesting effect of illness on autism

I have read that there are many reports of an interesting side effect to being ill, with autistic children, and I see it in Ethan.  I came home late last night after an event and Ethan was sick - a fever, generally unwell.  His talking was clear and coherent and well constructed.

All day today he has been talking so well, in full well constructed sentences.  This happens most times he’s ill, particularly with a fever.  He gets clearer in his communication.  Sadly it fades after a little while and he reverts to the challenges he has to deal with on a daily basis when it comes to communicating.  But oddly, during his moments of illness, and for that brief period afterwards, he exhibits such an easy confident conversational manner.

So, he’s off school today.  Not running a fever any more.  Back to his usual energy level.  Chatty as anything.  I think I’m going to stay working from home as much as possible today :-)

Oh… and Santa, if you’re reading this:  ”Huge Airport” please.  Just passing on a request.

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